Six Ways To Solve PMS Naturally

Six Ways To Solve PMS Naturally

Teray Garchitorena Kunishi, ND

Dr. Teray offers natural and integrative programs for healing anxiety & depression, chronic fatigue, and digestive conditions. She is a licensed naturopathic doctor, wellness coach, author, and creator of the Deeply Happy Expert Series. She serves clients globally via phone and video consultation.
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Many of my patients suffer from fatigue, depression, anxiety, and irritability, which gets worse just before their monthly period. Conventional medicine typically treats premenstrual syndrome (PMS) in one of two ways: Birth control pills or antidepressants. But many women do not want to be on pills or medication. What’s the alternative? Here’s my perspective on PMS: It’s important to alleviate suffering as much as possible, without losing the wisdom that it can provide. Let’s start with wisdom by way of biology. In the earlier half of your cycle, your hormonal activity is designed to maximize your chances of being pregnant. Hormones flow abundantly, and testosterone is at a relative high. As a result, many women feel more energized, attractive, and aroused during this time. I like to think of this as a “hormonal buffer”, which allows you to tolerate things that bother you, in favor of the deeply ingrained biological imperative to make babies. In other words, if the paelolithic equivalent of dirty socks on the floor caused your cavewoman ancestor to have a meltdown while she was ovulating, you may not be here reading this today. Makes sense so far? Now let’s look at the second half of the cycle, where there is a possibility that a sperm and egg have now combined. It becomes biologically important for the female to become protective and wary of unwanted circumstances. The hormonal buffer is no longer running high. Things that you don’t like become painfully obvious, and you react – sometimes in a way that you regret. Here’s the important part: The things that bother you just before your period...